Monday, August 12, 2019

Helping Hands Casting Kits!

I saw these hand casting kits online and thought it would be something fun for my dad and me to do while he was visiting. I lost my mom a few years ago and really started to learn the importance of 
doing things now with the people you love.

Hindsight's just that. I wished I would have done this with my mom while she was still alive God rest her soul. It was a really fun, interesting and weird experience with my dad! You have to clasp hands and then hold it in a specific position for several minutes. So basically my face was against his! And you realize at that moment that you've never been in this predicament before!

The cool thing about it is you have a casting that will last forever and can be handed down for many generations. I think this would be an amazing thing to do with your partner, you and your kids, or even a special best friend.

I bought two buckets so that I could keep a statue and have my dad have one also has a momentum of his trip. We had a blast peeling away the rubbery casting to reveal a true piece of art!

What a great project to do that's positive and upbeat and affordable. But also what a wonderful gift to give that couple just getting married, someone just having a baby, or maybe even just get one and tell somebody how much you care about them and do a casting.

It was really easy, you just have to be on top of your game and follow the directions carefully. 
Don't have any lag time or the stuff will set too quickly.

All in all, it was a pretty easy and really fun experience and the end product is beautiful.
It even captured the ridges in my fingernails and the veins in the back of my father's hands. He's a craftsman so this means a lot to me having a physical replication that reminds me of so many basement memories building things with tools and wood as a child. I can almost smell the sawdust looking at this.

I remember my dad saw it off part of his finger on a table saw in the garage. We were all mortified as they tried to reconstruct it but it never turned out the same. As gruesome as that was, to have it completely come out with all of that detail, knowing that that finger belongs to my dad, will go down in history for sure.

I wore a ring that my dad bought me in our casting. I made him buy it for me right when he got into town! It was a nice excuse to go to the mall! It was inexpensive. Don't get it twisted. :-) Now I have it on a really cool statue and can remember the whole experience detail for detail.

Here's my blog, 


You can look it up under helping hands casting kits, or you can find it under the category of "GROOVY GIFTS, or go to my direct site, it's listed in the video or here!

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