Monday, August 31, 2020

Read This If You've Ever Felt Down

 How many people reading this are frustrated and exhausted and maybe even freaking out in the last 6-7 months?

How many of you reading this are overwhelmed at what's going on with the schools?

How many people are burnt out constantly wearing a mask or getting an argument whether to wear one or not?

While I have lost a few family members and friends to the Covid I've lost even more to Suicide. For some of you, you know this is near and dear to my and the band's heart.

We haven't played shows and almost 7 months but still had our initial plan in effect for All To You. If you haven't seen the video please look at it here:

The plan was to go to some radio stations, play the song acoustically, on the air, and then continue the conversation with the video for suicide prevention.

September is National Suicide Awareness month. We really still want to go on a radio tour, barebones of course, but really get that message out there because a lot of people need to know that they are loved, but they are okay, but they're going to be okay no matter what, and to keep going through this really tough time.

I've tried to sugarcoat this pandemic but it's even taking its toll on me and I can see on so many of my friends the deep effect it's having on them as well.

You've seen me ask for things for others so now I'm asking for something for us.
If any of you have a few bucks to kick to do 20 - 30 radio stations, 
here are my Venmo and PayPal. 
Please put in notes, "Suicide Prevention Tour" 
(Notice the "S" at the end)
Venmo Goldy-Locks-1

As always, all funds are going to go towards this platform.
I want to ask this way because other crowdfunding takes such a cut, it defeats the purpose of where your money is going.

We are starting to find stations that will allow us to come. If you have a relationship with a radio station in your town, please let them know we are looking for them! And please be ready for a couple of band members to probably crash on your couch!

We are asking for your help monetarily and also through connections.
This video and song is a masterpiece because of the people who let their time and energy to be in it. Because the topic covers a topic that isn't sexy.
People don't always want to talk about it. 
Please help me and the band be a voice for those who are just too tired to go on.

This is me asking for something that we feel is very important and if it means just giving up a latte this month then I'm going to ask you to do it.

Sometimes people just need to know they are not alone and that people are thinking of them. Maybe even YOU are reading this, feeling down, but see that people really do care about your happiness. I do. You see me putting up with major crap online, yet I still am here to offer some sunshine when & where I can. A radio tour would bring some of that light. We are not just showing up to "sing a song". More to this plan.

Love you all for being here and thank you for your time. We want to do great things and we need your help. XOXO Goldy

#AllToYou #JustStay #SuicidePrevention #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #GoldyLocks #GoldylockSBand #Happiness

1 comment:

  1. Prayer’s 🙏 for HELP with your Radio Tour & leading with such Greatness going forward ! At the end of the day.ALL any of us truly want... “is to be LOVED” ! ❤️


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