Tuesday, January 25, 2022

5 Things I Use & People Say I Look Hot!

 Every day I have some Golden Peep comment kindly and ask what I'm wearing or how I achieve "that look."

I want to lay it alllllll out for you here in a simple top 5 besties ka bang for your buck!

These simple hacks are what keep me looking my best. I will KEEP doing these lists to keep YOU in the Golden loop.

1. A Golden Tan. 

Every time I DON'T do this, nothing is said. Every time I DO self-tan the night before or early in the morning for an evening event, I get RAVE reviews. Here is the brand that works the best for me. Also, see the accompanying self applicator mitt. You put this on and leave for 6-8 hours. You can sleep in it if you're a heavy sleeper. If not, you will sweat your arse off. 

This has a more tropical coconut aroma to it but it still smells like tanner. There's no way around that one. This will wash out of your sheets and pillowcase. It uses a chemical similar to that in fruit. You know when you leave fruit out and it turns brown? Well, that is what's happening here. Make sure to wash it off before you go to your function or date!

2. My Moisturizer I Can't Live Without


Follow your tan by applying this light, creamy, amazing-smelling cream. This is for bros AND babes. I highly recommend this one for dudes. Ladies, this makes an INCREDIBLE ALL PURPOSE moisturizer. I put just a little on before this next foundation and my skin feels awesome but the foundation is now primed. Use before bedtime, in the morning, or anytime in between!

3. Foundation like BUTTER 

I found out about this from a stylist for Steven Tyler. He's in Nashville now and this woman had so many tricks up her sleeve for making her clients look YOUNGER! So I had to try this CC cream because it truly goes on flawlessly. I bought a darker tome for when I'm tan (see #1 above) but I find even when I'm kind of pale, I can still make it work. It has a lot of leeway. You will LOVE this foundation complete with SPF protection but it doesn't break out my face. 

4. My eyelashes are FAKE ladies!


I never leave home without some version of these next lashes. Bright, bold, and in any length or thickness. They always get me so many compliments! I'm allergic to latex, so I will also list my go-to glue. For those who don't have a latex allergy, take a not from some of Los Angeles TOP drag queens and get the "darker toned" glue. They always said white is for amateurs! Lol.

5. Gentle Eyelash Glue


Remember, you're beautiful JUST the way you are to quote the late Mr. Rogers. Sometimes it's fun though to have a little help and a little "extra" in the glam department. I know these links will help you look and feel your best. 

Thanks for all the kind words! #GoldyKnows

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