Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Frozen Ham & the lost art of "thank you".

I was 6 or 7. We were at the meat market. A man stood shopping and I couldn't believe what I saw. I was a child. He had some sort of deformity. I was shocked and couldn't look away.

A quiet voice said, "it's rude to stare. Stop staring Goldy."

I watched my mother go through different items on the shelf. She was asking for some kind of frozen ham I remember...

There that man was again around the corner... shopping. Just like me. What was on his face? His hands? I couldn't believe it. Shortly a FAMILIAR face appeared in front of mine! It was my MOTHER! "I thought I told you not to stare at people who are different than you?!" Still, in a hushed tone, she said.

I was mortified. I knew she was trying to really tell me something.

She kept poking around the store. She received her ham and paid for it. As we were wrapping up our shopping I saw that man again. I had to get one last look you know? I'd never seen anyone look like this?

Well, I didn't get the chance. I got a frozen ham upside my head. I was now bleeding. My nose was bleeding? Was it broken?

"Maybe that will teach you to stare at strangers. Maybe you will remember to treat other with respect and make them feel loved, comfortable, cared for..."

What a lesson.

Child abuse? Lol. Not in my day. You could get a good ass whippin, or ham whippin for that matter without your folks getting called upon by DCS. There was a HUGE lesson to be learned and by God, I learned it. Honestly, I wish we could go back to those times. I'm not that frickin old... but damn, it seems like there is a REALLY big gap between myself and even people 15 years my junior. Even the kids these days. It's so different. 

Lots of great things happening, resources, opportunities... but the overall message of "thanks." Or "gratitude"... does anyone say thank you anymore?

I was taught to write out thank you cards. Put a stamp on them and mail them. Lost art I tell ya.
You're lucky if you get a text or email...

Image result for thank you cards

We have a "kinder" approach to parenting. We let a lot of things slide... but is it working?

I just rarely hear a kid say thanks anymore. And I miss it. I miss feeling like someone appreciates me for what I do. Even though I know that's not the reason we should do things...

A thank you card and ham goes a long way. Maybe the next time you see your child staring, or not appreciating something they should. Share my story... It's true and one I'd never change. 

Love All Serve All. Embrace those around you who are different, and love them unconditionally.



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