Sunday, June 28, 2015

Women | My Purpose | Strength | Power | Self Esteem | Goldy Locks Fitness

I met a woman a while back under strange circumstances. Her husband, a long time friend was just let go from his job, they were short on funds I'm sure now as it was the holidays and I needed to stop by his home for some
reason or another.

A woman greeted me at the door with the biggest smile I'd ever seen. She was gracious and she was kind. Honestly this is NOT the reaction I usually receive. 

I work with men mostly. Music, Entertainment, Sports Entertainment. I was just speaking to a friend tonight about being in a band now for 18 consecutive years? I know men. I know them inside and out. I know how they think, feel and sometimes I question if I have more testosterone than most. Lol.

I also women. How insecure we can be. How hard on ourselves we always are and how many of us love to see another female fail. 

Jealousy and envy are powerful things. They have gotten in the way and destroyed many relationships I've had. Women I've called best friends have fallen by the wayside and I've stopped after all these years wondering why. It's not different than when a man stops calling us. He's just not "into you." Enter in a new play friend... and the old Velveteen Rabbit gets shoved under the bed, only to be found when the child grows up and parents clean out the room to make that new office or man cave. The same can be said about friendships. I'm used to it. My skin is so tough sometimes I forget I'm even breathing. 

This woman was different though and we quickly became friends. She is one of those "selfless" people. The ones who drop anything for you. The one that is always there. The kind of person who if she says she will be there, is outside waiting 15 minutes early. Her integrity actually reminds me of one of my best buddies and bandmates, Rod Saylor. He is cut from the same cloth.

From day one this woman has been a rock for me. She has listened to so much crap and let me sit outside her apartment on the stairs just dishing out more than I"m sure she bargained to hear.

She's a busy mother. Yet she has time for me and the whole world. She wears her heart on her sleeve and speaking of hearts, it's the best  you will come by.

When I started seeing the results Advocare was having for others in their health and fitness and me as well, not to mention the financial side of this incredible company, I thought of my friend right away. She has been watching for a while, but last night signed up as a distributor on my #GoldenPower Team and I can't even tell you how excited I am.

She shared with me her "Why" if you will. Both she and her husband have teenagers. They raised these amazing kids and didn't take the time they should have to concentrate on their health and fitness. Now they really want to get in shape so they can keep up with both of these young adults.

Volleyball, track, softball, dance... EVERY night there is SOMETHING this woman is at supporting. It's her turn now and it's HER turn for ME to support her.

If you are reading this and know Sheila L Phillips,  PLEASE email her about ALL of the products that could help you! Wether you need more energy, weight loss or are looking for something that yields FULL time INCOME with PART time EFFORT, email her! Not only are you helping yourself, but you are SUPPORTING another WOMAN! Just like she did for me!

I am so COMMITTED to helping this woman and her family only to return any of the kindness and support they've given me all these years. And when they are on their way to financial freedom, I'll do nothing but smile.

Sheila is building her team. So am I! It's EASY to join and now more than ever, it's a huge WHY NOT to!

You buy these products anyway. Why not join up and buy from YOU! And have friends and family buy from you too? Just like the drugstore? Only you are much cuter than a drugstore... haha.

It's 79.00 to join plus tax and shipping. You get $69.00 with of #Spark #EnergyDrink sent to you in a few days! Joining is Just like Sam’s Club. Only joining a Cosco doesn’t give you FREE product for joining! No sales quotas! No Auto Ships! Just join! You WIN across the board! Now you get a 20%-40% discount on products you buy anyway for a YEAR! Renew the next year for only $50.00!

Why don't you change your life? Get healthy? Find something positive to do with your time? There is enough stuff out there that's negative. It doesn’t improve our lives at all. Join my team today and I promise things will really change for you, all you have to do is try!

Join MY Team here!

For SHEILA'S Friends:
EMAIL SHEILA to join HER team!

I will PERSONALLY get on the phone with you BOTH and answer ANY questions you have! With JOY!!!

Sheila is going to do so well in this business and company. Like Sheila, Advocare is ALL about helping people. What a PERFECT combination. What a PERFECT fit!
I am so HONORED you are on the team woman!
Now start your OWN! You've got some people's lives to CHANGE forever!

#‎GoldyLocksFitness ‪#‎GoldyLocks ‪#‎StrongGoldenGirl ‪#‎GoldyLocksRocks ‪
#‎GoldyLocksKnows #GoldenPowerTeam #Advocare #24DayChalenge #Spark #EnergyDrink #SparkEnergyDrink 

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